Physical Therapy

Pregnancy & Postpartum Incontinence

Pregnancy & Postpartum Incontinence

The pelvic floor consists of several layers of muscle contained within the pelvis that are designed to support the abdominal and pelvic organs, allow for proper bowel and bladder voiding, sexual activity, and child birth. Just like any other muscle in the body, we can experience issues from these muscles being too weak, too short, too long, overactive, or underactive. However, pelvic floor muscles can be rehabbed similarly to our other muscles as well. For example, if I strain a muscle in my leg, I’m going to work on getting the injured muscle and the surrounding area stronger, improve muscle length, and activate at the appropriate times. The pelvic floor muscles function in the same way as other muscles in our body, and need similar attention if there is pain or dysfunction.

Running Warmup & Stretching?

Running Warmup & Stretching?

It is that time of year where many people are hitting the pavement and trails ramping up for races or just general fitness goals. Some may have gutted out the wintry weather and tried to sneak in runs during breaks in the rain or indoors on the always reliable treadmill. With an increase in volume of running, we often see repetitive stress injuries that can come with inadequate attenuation of forces. If you’ve been running long enough, chances are you know someone or have a running partner who dealt with a recalcitrant tendon issue, whether involving the Achilles tendon, peroneal tendon or patellar tendon. Or maybe you had to deal with it yourself. If so, hopefully you’ve packed your patience as the process can be frustrating. If you have ever had these injuries sideline you then you know how it can hinder your ability to compete in athletic activities. It’s helpful to understand the physiology of what is happening to the tendon in order to know how best to treat it, ideally while working alongside a physical therapist familiar with running and jumping injuries. 

March for Larch

March for Larch

Hiking is high on the list of PNW pastimes. It’s a great excuse to explore the mountains and enjoy every bit of the natural beauty that Washington State has to offer. Peak hiking season in Washington tends to run from late Spring through summer, as the snow melts and the temperatures get warmer. However my personal favorite is a short window of a few weeks in early Autumn– larch season. Larches are a variety of trees that may at first glance resemble a typical pine, but larches do not stay green year-round. Unlike their evergreen neighbors, larch tree needles turn a beautiful golden yellow color in the early fall. For two to three weeks at the end of September until the first snows in October, the Pacific Northwest is blessed with beautiful variation in the forests as those golden yellow pine trees reach peak color. It’s a short window before the trees begin to lose their pine needles as temperatures drop, so you don’t want to miss out on the annual larch madness.

Precautions for Hiking

Tackling & Concussions

Tackling & Concussions

Football fanatics and players, we made it. We made it through the grueling summer dog days and have arrived here at the start of the season! I don't know about you, but this time of the year I always get extremely excited that football is ramping up, teams are practicing and games are in full swing. With this increase in football activity, it's inevitable that there will be an increase in sports related injuries, especially concussions. Within recent years, the sport of football has been under a lot of scrutiny about its danger to the athlete due to head trauma. Football is a violent sport with roughly 300,000 reported concussions occurring in the sport across the country per year, and 1.6 to 3.8 million cases of concussions occurring across all sports annually (as reported by UPMC sport medicine). The NFL and leagues around the country have made a valiant effort to make the game safer by implementing rules and regulations, and educating the player and coaches about proper technique to mitigate injury. Very rarely does that transcend down to the highschool, junior or peewee levels. This blog article is to help inform parents and kids about concussions, the signs and symptoms, proper recovery timeline, and proper tackling technique to help prevent concussions.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The diagnosis and treatment of the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) can be challenging and is highly debated within the research and among clinicians. While the existing research is focused on investigating variations of mobilizations and manipulations to treat SIJ dysfunction, it is deficient in how to enhance treatment and patient’s self-efficacy with specific exercises. With that in mind, I’ll aim for brevity in my review of the anatomy and biomechanics of the SIJ region so I can focus on existing research and a few “clinical pearls” that I have picked up through my continuing education and practice treating SIJ pain in the clinic. The pelvis can be thought of as a ring or bowl holding our internal organs. The interface between the sacrum (triangular bone at the base of the spine) and ilium bones form the sacroiliac joints. Because of this orientation, the SIJ is well equipped to help manage forces through the pelvis through a combination of bony connections, ligamentous attachments, and muscular attachments. While the sacrum is the attachment point for several major muscle groups (multifidus, erector spinae, latissimus doris, gluteus maximus, piriformis, and portions of the pelvic floor), the sacrum itself does not move in isolation, and it is heavily impacted by muscles attaching in and around the pelvis.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

It’s a beautiful fall morning and you are walking your dog along a path near your house.  The birds are singing and the trees are bright green with new buds of growth.  As you place your right foot down on the trail, your ankle gives way and it feels like you stepped into a hole.  You lurch to your right off the trail and narrowly recover your balance to prevent a fall.  You immediately notice a familiar sharp pain along the outside of your ankle.  As you examine the trail behind you, you notice a very small pebble on the flat trail where your ankle gave way.  Why do these tiny pebbles continue to cause your ankle to roll every 3-6 months?
Up to 70% of people who sustain an acute ankle sprain may develop chronic ankle instability with the likelihood of additional ankle sprains.  When you sprain your ankle, the connective tissues (ligaments) are stretched or torn.  Each subsequent sprain leads to further weakening (or stretching) of the ligaments, resulting in greater instability and the likelihood of developing additional problems in the ankle. 



Summer is here, which means change is upon us. Whether you spend this time of year gardening, spring cleaning, or taking in the sunshine doing yard work, these kinds of activities require a lot of lifting which could cause a low back strain. I recently moved and I could not help but notice my back feeling sore the next week or so. I was humbly reminded that I am no longer in my early twenties– gone are the days of lifting and carrying with pure strength and little care for form. I quickly learned that if I want to continue being helpful for future moving days, I have to maximize proper movement strategies to minimize all those aches and pains. As your local physical therapist, I wanted to highlight good lifting mechanics and provide some helpful tips that will limit your chance of injury for your next moving day.

Sleep & Rehabilitation

Sleep & Rehabilitation

Sleep hygiene is a term that is becoming more popular as we learn how important sleep can be for our health. This term encompasses different strategies to establish daily habits that can ultimately increase the quality and quantity of your sleep providing you the necessary rejuvenation after a long day.

● Exercise

● Relax the mind

● Limit alcohol and caffeine

● Set your biological clock

● Set up sleep-friendly environment

● Limit naps and manage restlessness

Heat or Ice?

Heat or Ice?

Ice or Heat: Body Pain’s Greatest Question

Life has a funny way of leaving its mark on us and quite often it can hurt! By now you’ve likely experienced some kind of injury that caused bruising, swelling, and worst of all pain, either acute or chronic. With any injury therein lies the proverbial question, “should I use ice or heat?” The concept of applying these thermal modalities can seem relatively simple and straight forward but it can become confusing as not every injury presents the same. Thus it makes senses why I’m frequently asked which one should be used for a particular injury. Sometimes I’ve suggested that both are appropriate depending on the situation. Improper use of these modalities can slow your recovery, so it is important to base your decision on physiology and what is most safe and effective.

Moving Day

Moving Day

Summer is here, which means change is upon us. Whether you spend this time of year gardening, spring cleaning, or taking in the sunshine doing yard work, these kinds of activities require a lot of lifting which could cause a low back strain. I recently moved and I could not help but notice my back feeling sore the next week or so. I was humbly reminded that I am no longer in my early twenties– gone are the days of lifting and carrying with pure strength and little care for form. I quickly learned that if I want to continue being helpful for future moving days, I have to maximize proper movement strategies to minimize all those aches and pains. As your local physical therapist, I wanted to highlight good lifting mechanics and provide some helpful tips that will limit your chance of injury for your next moving day.

Scoliosis Treatment

Scoliosis Treatment

Adolescent Scoliosis

In the United States, adolescent scoliosis was aggressively screened in primary & secondary educational institutions then subsequently over-diagnosed due to the relatively high general population prevalence of 0.47% - 5.2%. The presence of scoliosis does not always necessitate professional intervention, in fact only 10% of scoliotic curves require medical intervention. Additionally, Schroth method certification is the gold standard for physiotherapy-specific scoliosis exercise (PSSE), and clinicians with Schroth background are not always readily available.

ACL Series Part 3: Rehab

ACL Series Part 3: Rehab

Right now, I am 1.5 years post ACL surgery, but 3.5 years post ACL injury. I will be recalling my experience starting at the time of injury all the way through my individual Physical Therapy experience. This will be a multi-part series that tells my story, plus various research facts and personal details along the way.

Reducing Fall Risk

Reducing Fall Risk

Falls have become the leading cause of injury for older adults. 27.5% of individuals 65 years and older have reported at least one fall in the past year.1 These falls can lead to serious injuries that involve broken bones or head trauma. Each year over 800,000 people in this age group are hospitalized due to a fall injury and 95% of hip fractures are caused by a fall.2 However, falls are preventable. Working to recognize the modifiable risk factors in our lives can help reduce the chance of fall and injury.

ACL Series Part 2: Surgery

ACL Series Part 2: Surgery

Right now, I am 1.5 years post ACL surgery, but 3.5 years post ACL injury. I will be recalling my experience starting at the time of injury all the way through my individual Physical Therapy experience. This will be a multi-part series that tells my story, plus various research facts and personal details along the way.

Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common orthopedic conditions among physical therapy patients. Osteoarthritis (OA) describes degeneration of cartilage and, eventually, bone in a moving joint. The development of OA can be the result of a previous injury or specific joint condition but is most often idiopathic in nature.1 Knees, hips, and thumbs are notorious for developing OA as a result of the large, repetitive forces these joints have to absorb over the course of a lifetime.2 The term OA refers to a wide spectrum of joint degeneration and can sometimes be used to describe a joint that appears damaged on an X-ray but doesn’t hurt or cause a decline in function (asymptomatic osteoarthritis). Various studies of the general population in the U.S. estimate that 20-28% of adults aged 60+ have evidence of hip OA on an X-ray, yet only 4-10% of this population have pain or poor function due to hip OA.3,4 Although an X-ray may show hip joint degenerative changes, treatment generally does not occur until someone begins to have symptoms.

Exercise After COVID

Exercise After COVID

What to know about getting back into activity following a diagnosis of COVID

With the most recent spread of Covid across the country, The Journal of the American Medical Association has recently released guidelines on the safest way to return to exercise following all levels of Covid infection. As physical therapists, we are responsible to help our patients return to safe exercise, and should be taking responsibility for returning our patients safely to exercise following Covid. Here are some things to consider for best practice when returning to activity following a COVID diagnosis depending on severity of symptoms.

ACL Series Part 1: Pre-Surgery

ACL Series Part 1: Pre-Surgery

Right now, I am 1.5 years post ACL surgery, but 3.5 years post ACL injury. I will be recalling my experience starting at the time of injury all the way through my individual Physical Therapy experience. This will be a multi-part series that tells my story, plus various research facts and personal details along the way.

Early Sports Specialization

Early Sports Specialization

Early Sport Specialization (ESS)

Before I explain why, lets briefly get on the same page with a definition for Early Sport Specialization (ESS). Typically ESS refers to year-round (for at least 8 months) intensive training or competition in an organized sport by young athletes (<12 years of age) while excluding all other sports.

Injury Risk

One of the most studied problems with early specialization is increased injury risk compared to peers. The biggest factor contributing to this increased risk was participation in any individual sport for greater than 8 months of the year3. This is especially true in baseball pitchers where pitching for more than 8 months per year was correlated with a 500% increase in risk for Tommy John surgery. (I discuss this and other risk factors for UCL injury in my blog “Minimizing the Risk for UCL Injuries in Throwers” *hyperlink). Across all sports there is an increased injury risk of 1.81 times in highly specialized athletes compared to their multi-sport peers5.

Knee Osteoarthritis in Runners?

Knee Osteoarthritis in Runners?

Does Running Cause Knee Arthritis?

In my practice, I frequently have the opportunity to interact with runners. Running is a repetitive activity that certainly has injury risk. I do frequently come across runners and people who have quit running saying something like: “I know running will give me arthritis, but I just love to do it.” or “I quit running because I was afraid of developing arthritis in my knees.” Common thought continues to be that the impact of running does lead to arthritis.

Examining the Evidence

Do our perceptions meet reality? Let’s look at the research to find out.

Raking Leaves

Raking Leaves

The annual prevalence of patellofemoral pain in the general population has been found to be over 22%! Anterior knee pain is not just a problem for young adults and adolescents. In this article, I’d like to provide you with several key tests you can use to help determine if you may have patellofemoral pain and then outline how a physical therapist can successfully help you recover.

Patellofemoral pain is largely a diagnosis of exclusion. There can be many causes of knee pain and it is important for your healthcare provider to properly assess your individual condition. Many individuals have anterior knee pain with prolonged sitting with flexed knees.

There are three common provocative diagnostic tests that are most closely correlated with patellofemoral joint pain:

  • Squatting

  • Climbing Stairs

  • Eccentric Step-Down Test

Research has linked several key factors that may contribute to an individual developing patellofemoral pain. These factors are not present in everybody who has symptoms, but there are often impairments in one or more of these areas found during a physical therapy exam.